Here are some of the other details for this fun event:
- January 1st, 2018 from 5pm to 8pm,
- Main Loop will be lit with lanterns, Mickey’s Loop will be lit with the lights.
- Snacks and drinks will be served at both Ole Sandberg Hut and at the Day Lodge.
- Please bring your own mug, and a headlamp if you would like one.
- This event is free for all members. Bring your friends too: non-members just need to pay the regular day rate!
Update!!! We have the volunteer positions filled, so be sure to thank any volunteer you see as you enjoy your New Year’s Day Lantern Ski
We are in need of a variety of volunteers for this event including:
Help to clean and fill lanterns on December 21st from 6-8pmHosting the Day LodgeParkingLighting the Lanterns on Jan 1st at 4pmHelping out in the office with rentals and tickets